The remodeling of the design and execution of empirical practice depends on the successful behavior change actions. This demands a relevant method for outlining the actions and associating them in the study of the targeted behavior. An array of frameworks of behavior change actions exists there, however not clear how well they serve this intent. Thus, let’s look at the basics of component frameworks and features.

About Component Frameworks

Component frameworks are a set of well-defined interfaces that comprises of component co-operation within its frameworks. The protocols are used by component developers to ensure different types of functions are run by a component.

The main objective of software construction is to develop software that is imperishable, versatile, innovative, and easily managed. The ultimate tool for the developers can be called in one word as abstraction. There are several processes in Abstraction involved and they are:

  • Eliminate all details which are not required and express them clearly as invariants
  • The details which vary, summarize them and call it as variants. They are then classified as abstract classes and sub-classes.
  • The dynamics have to be decided between the invariants and the variants. The flexibility between the invariants and the variants can be straight-forward some times, but there are times when an invariant is interpreted in many variants.

The amount of effort spent in identifying the invariants from variants usually constitutes what is called a robust component framework system, where the invariants form the component and the variant forms the framework. Normally the component frameworks are often referred to as Frameworks.

Component Frameworks differs greatly in size, varying from small data structures to enterprise-class distributed applications. Frameworks can also be embedded inside other frameworks, for example – layered frameworks. Below listed are the different sizes available

  • Small-scale frameworks –Comprises of elementary Visitor and Template Design Patterns
  • Medium-scale frameworks – Comprises of Graphical User Interface (GUI) systems namely Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation and Swing or Java JFC
  • Large-scale frameworks – Comprises of Enterprise Component Management systems namely few of the cloud systems namely process-component oriented architecture and Java-based Enterprise Java Beans

Features of Component frameworks

After knowing the basic particulars of component frameworks, let’s look into its characteristics.

  • Component containment
  • Multiple instances of interfaces
  • Interface dispatch.
  • Disintegrates the system into a Variant component, that is supported by the system
  • Inversion of control.

Advantages of Component frameworks

Below are some of the advantages of Component Frameworks

  • Robustness – The outlying components lessen the possibility of the unreliable behavior and the consistent framework code offers invariable behavior from application to application
  • Easy Maintenance – Setbacks can be effortlessly dealt and solved without off-putting the rest of the system
  • Resilience – Factors can be combined to protect a broad range of applications
  • Versatility – Latest factors can be added to the effectiveness of the system
  • User-friendly Interface – Design specific to the application is dismissed to outlying factors within the most demanding way in the framework and other factors. Framework-managed flow control need not bother to carry out certain details of the components

Components Frameworks streamlines the challenges of creating OSGi-based applications and provides useful capabilities which include complex service-dependency management, lazy initialization, and configuration externalization. Many a time, you will end up doing this task personally, and thus adopting Component Framework reduces the menial labor.